is our composable to handle forms, it takes one object as optional argument and returns various objects and methods that will allow us to handle our forms.
Changing the initialValues will trigger a form reset, this means the formState and the values will return to its initial state.
Values which we use to initialize the form, this is useful when we get an initial value state for the form from an external call.
<input v-bind="register('firstName')" /> // Should initially be 'John'
<input v-bind="register('lastName')" /> // Should initially be 'Doe'
<pre>{{ values }}</pre>
// Should show the initialized values
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useFormHandler } from 'vue-form-handler'
const { register, values } = useFormHandler({
initialValues: {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
Function that allows us to intercept any value assignment, accept or deny it and perform operations before and after the assignment happens.
The interceptor will be called passing an object as a parameter with the following:
attribute | type | description |
name | string | Name of the field that is about to be set |
value | any | Value of the field that is about to be set |
clearError | ClearError | API - clearError |
clearField | ClearField | API - clearField |
formState | FormState | API - formState |
modifiedValues | ModifiedValues | API - modifiedValues |
resetField | ResetField | API - resetField |
resetForm | ResetForm | API - resetForm |
setError | SetError | API - setError |
setValue | SetValue | API - setValue |
triggerValidation | TriggerValidation | API - triggerValidation |
values | Record<string,any> | API - values |
As you can see, the interceptor is provided with everything the handler does provide but in a separate context.
Expected return
The interceptor expects a type of boolean
or a Promise<boolean>
, return true to proceed setting the value and false if the value should not be set.
<select v-bind="register('continent')" placeholder="Choose your country">
<option disabled value="null">Choose your continent</option>
<option value="AM">America</option>
<option value="AS">Asia</option>
<option value="EU">Europe</option>
<select v-bind="register('country')" placeholder="Choose your country">
<option disabled value="null">Choose your country</option>
<option value="CAN">Canada</option>
<option value="USA">United States</option>
<option value="JAP">Japan</option>
<option value="CHN">China</option>
<option value="ESP">Spain</option>
<option value="DEU">Germany</option>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useFormHandler } from 'vue-form-handler'
const interceptor = ({ name, clearField }) => {
if (name === 'continent') {
return true
const { register } = useFormHandler({
Use this function in the case you'd rather perform a custom/different validation when submitting your form
<template @submit.prevent="handleSubmit(successFn)">
<input v-bind="register('firstName')" />
<input v-bind="register('lastName')" />
<input type="number" v-bind="register('age')" />
<input type="submit" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useFormHandler } from 'vue-form-handler'
const validation = (values) => values.age && Number(values.age) >= 18
const successFn = (form: Record<string, any>) => {
console.log({ form })
const { register, handleSubmit } = useFormHandler({
This option allows you to configure the validation mode or strategy the handler will follow.
name | type | description |
onChange | string | Validation will trigger on the change event with each input, and lead to multiple re-renders. |
onBlur | string | Validation will trigger on the blur event. |
onSubmit | string | Validation will trigger on the submit event. |
always | string | Validation will trigger on change and blur events. |
Using the always
validationMode will have a more significant impact on performance.
- clearError
- clearField
- formState
- handleSubmit
- modifiedValues
- register
- build
- resetField
- resetForm
- setError
- setValue
- triggerValidation
- unregister
- values
Type Declarations
export declare const useFormHandler: <
T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any>,
R extends T = T,
}?: FormHandlerParams<T, R>) => {
build: Build<T>
clearError: (name?: keyof T | undefined) => void
clearField: (name: keyof T) => Promise<void>
formState: {
readonly isDirty: boolean
readonly isTouched: boolean
readonly isValid: boolean
readonly dirty: import('@vue/reactivity').DeepReadonly<
import('@vue/reactivity').UnwrapRef<Record<keyof T, boolean>>
readonly touched: import('@vue/reactivity').DeepReadonly<
import('@vue/reactivity').UnwrapRef<Record<keyof T, boolean>>
readonly errors: import('@vue/reactivity').DeepReadonly<
import('@vue/reactivity').UnwrapRef<Record<keyof T, string | undefined>>
handleSubmit: (
successFn: HandleSubmitSuccessFn,
errorFn?: HandleSubmitErrorFn
) => Promise<void>
modifiedValues: <TModified extends T>() => TModified
register: (name: keyof T, options?: RegisterOptions) => RegisterReturn
resetField: (name: keyof T) => void
resetForm: () => void
setError: (name: keyof T, error: string) => void
setValue: (name: keyof T, value?: any) => Promise<void>
triggerValidation: (name?: keyof T | undefined) => Promise<void>
unregister: (name: keyof T) => void
values: import('@vue/reactivity').DeepReadonly<